My plan for learning English on my own

Before I present my new study plan, I know you are asking yourself how I did learn English until nowadays. Because, well, I wouldn't be able to write this post if it was my day 0.

And you are right.

I have been learning English for the last two years. All by myself. 

You should know it's not my favorite language in the world. As a Brazilian, my native language is Portuguese, and, as a result or not, I am completely in love with Latin languages. Spanish, Italian, French... Give it to me, babe. I could eat, smell and taste their words. I could put a ring on their fingers and get married with them.

But, English... Well, it is not one of them.

The truth is that in my journey of building a life that provides me the opportunity to live wherever I want, learning English is an important part of the process. Knowing that, I am even able to celebrate its existence - ignoring all the grammar singularities that doesn't make any (instinctive) sense.

In my first year dedicated to the project, I highly developed my listening skills. Trust me, I can distinguish words getting out the mouth of people that you, when a beginner or an intermediate, couldn't even find a vowel. 

I don't know if I made a mistake.

Of course developing communication skills equality are the best panorama. But remember: it wasn't my favorite language in the world, so starting with the most entertaining task gave me a sense of "OK. I can deal with that. I don't hate it as I though". 

But when my "listening time" was reduced and I definitely needed to focus on writing and speaking, I understand people's problems around learning on their own.

As a nerd, I never though learning was a hard thing. I love studying. 

But I identified that I need more consistence if I want to build a life as I have been dreaming with. 

So here we are.

My new plan is...

Every single day, from Mondays to Fridays, I will practice the four more important skills in language-learning: listening (hello, my old friend), reading, speaking and writing. Also, grammar is invited to the party!

As a habit-freak, I am programming different habits to support my success in this plan. They are:

LISTENING → Watch one video on Youtube that provides tips for English learners (MmmEnglish, LinguaMarina etc.) - 10 minutes
WRITING → Write a different post here, at least for 10 minutes. (10 minutes)
SPEAKING → Cambly - you and I, babe, are getting some hot time together. (30 minutes x 3 times a week) OR Make a short video for TheRemoteGang (5 minutes)
READING → Free Grammar book. (30 minutes x 2 times a week)
GRAMMAR → Free Grammar book. (30 minutes x 2 times a week)


As important as creating habits is to define a "finish line" - not for the whole project (because it's for life), but for this step. Once I achieve my intentions, I can create new finish lines, and so go on.



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